Terms And Conditions

The document below describes the terms and conditions of purchasing goods from the Seller via Soferia.com. 

The products purchased on Soferia.com are directly sold by the Seller - Soferia Gruszczynski Sp.K., with the address Ciechocinska 22; 02-924 Warsaw, Poland, registered with the Companies' Register of Poland under code: NIP PL5214013971, Regon: 524979136, called "SOFERIA" in the following document. 
The Seller may be contacted at the email address: contact@soferia.com.

§ 1 Definitions

  1. Buyer - private individual, who is at least 13 years old, however if below 18 years old then additional consent to purchase is required from the caretaker; or legal entity, which makes or intends to make an Order or uses the Services of the Online Store.
  2. Products - Goods and Services offered in the Online Store.
  3. Terms and Conditions - the document below, which describes the terms and conditions of selling the Goods and Services by SOFERIA via the Store. Terms and Conditions are available on www.soferia.com website for each Internet user, including all Buyers.
  4. Purchase Agreement - agreement to purchase Products, within the meaning of the Polish Civil Code, between the Seller and the Buyer using the means of distance communication.
  5. SOFERIA Online Store (Store, Online Store, Internet Store, SOFERIA Store) - Internet service available on www.soferia.com, which may be used by the Buyers to purchase Products.
  6. Party - the Seller and the Buyer
  7. Goods - movable property concerned by the Purchase Agreement. Goods listed and described on the website of the Online Store.
  8. Service - a service provided by the Seller to the Buyer via the Online Store or outside the Online Store, depending on the nature of the Product.
  9. Order - declaration of Buyer's will to Purchase specific type and volume of Products, leading directly to the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement via the Online Store.

§ 2 General terms and conditions

  1. By making a purchase at SOFERIA Store the Buyer declares to have read the Terms and Conditions and agrees to be bound by them.
  2. SOFERIA sales Products to individuals via soferia.com website.
  3. All products offered in SOFERIA Store are new, free from any physical or legal defects and were legally introduced to the market.
  4. SOFERIA offers its products and services to European Union countries, UK, USA and Canada.

§ 3 Placing an order

  1. All prices on SOFERIA Online Store are gross prices, given in USD. Shipping costs are given separately.
  2. SOFERIA reserves the right to make changes to the offer on www.soferia.com.
  3. Any changes in the prices will not apply to Orders that had been placed before the change.
  4. The Order can be placed via Soferia.com website or by means of an e-mail.
  5. The Order can be placed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, throughout the year.
  6. The Order is effective once the Buyer completes properly the Order form and provides their contact details, including the exact address where the Products should be shipped to, as well as phone number and e-mail address.
  7. Should the contact details provided by the Buyer were incomplete, SOFERIA will contact the Buyer. If the contact with the Buyer is impossible, SOFERIA has the right to cancel the Order.
  8. The execution of the Order starts when the payment is received to the bank account specified in the Order - in case of international transfer, or the moment of completing a payment with a credit card.
  9. Once the Order is accepted, the Buyer will receive an e-mail confirmation with the details of the Order.
  10. The Buyer agrees for SOFERIA to issue and send all purchase documents, such as: Order forms, receipts and invoices by means of an electronic mail.
  11. During the purchase process the Buyer agrees for SOFERIA to collect their personal information in the database of the Store for the purpose of processing the Buyer's Order. The Buyer has the right to access, change and delete their personal information.
  12. In case of ordering free fabric samples the Buyer agrees that SOFERIA contacts him under the given adres to conduct a one-time satisfaction survey.
  13. The Order will be cancelled if the full payment for the purchase is not received within 7 days since the Order was placed.
  14. SOFERIA has the right to refuse selling its Products in case the Oder is incomplete; in case of suspicion of insolvency of the Buyer; or in case of unplanned fabric or shortage of any accessory required to make the Product, shortage. In such event, SOFERIA will inform the Buyer via email or telephone at the earliest convenience.
  15. All Products are custom-made, hence the changes to the Order are limited.
  16. Should the Buyer want to make any change to the Order, he should contact SOFERIA at the earliest convenience at contact@soferia.com.

§ 4 Cost and time of delivery

  1. When an order is placed, it will be shipped to the address designated by the Buyer in the Order as long as that shipping address is within the European Union, UK, US or Canada.
  2. SOFERIA will immediately inform the Buyer should the Order be completed incorrectly, which does not allow SOFERIA to ship the parcel or might delay its shipment.
  3. All Products purchased are shipped with the specialized express delivery companies. The choice of the carrier will be made by SOFERIA to ensure the shortest possible delivery time.
  4. Expected delivery time is 14 working days since receipt of the payment.
  5. Expected delivery time depends on the type of Product and volume ordered.
  6. Total delivery time comprises: Order confirmation, time of sewing the Product, parcel preparation for shipment and expected shipment time.
  7. SOFERIA will immediately inform the Buyer in case of delay in execution of the Order and will inform him about the new estimated delivery time.
  8. The Buyer has the right not to accept the new delivery time. In such event, neither party will raise any claims against each other arising from non-completion of the Order.
  9. The Buyer is charged for Product shipment. The fee is given when placing the Order.
  10. The shipment cost is 20,00 USD.
  11. At the request of the Buyer the purchase receipt is issued within 7 days from the date of receiving such a request. If the request for purchase receipt was received after 3 months from the date of delivery of the Products, SOFERIA has no obligation to issue any receipt.

§ 5 Payments

  1. Purchase receipts are issued and sent to the Buyer on request.
  2. The payment for the Products can be made via international transfer or by credit card through PayPal.

§ 6 Product delivery

  1. The Products are delivered to all European Union countries, UK, US and Canada.
  2. Buyers are advised to always check if the delivered parcel was not damaged during the transportation.
  3. In case there is a damage to the parcel, Buyer should not accept it from the carrier, complete the shipping damage report and contact SOFERIA to resolve the issue.
  4. No irregularities in the quantitative or qualitative state of the parcel noticed upon its receipt from the carrier may have a negative impact on the complaint handling by SOFERIA.

§ 7 Termination of the contract

  1. The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract stating no reason by filing the relevant declaration in writing. This right is effective for 14 days. This deadline is strict and counts from the date when the Product was received by the Buyer. In order to withdraw from the contract the Buyer needs to send a relevant declaration to Soferia before the deadline.
  2. For business customers (when purchase was made with a VAT number), Soferia issues a correction invoice. The returns are accepted only after the Buyer signs it and sends it back to Soferia.
  3. The returned Product will be accepted provided it is returned complete and with no signs of use nor damage.
  4. The returned Product needs to be sent to Soferia address. The cost of returning the goods is borne by the customer.
  5. The returned Product must be accompanied by a written statement of withdrawal from the contract and the account number to which the Store has to return the payment.
  6. Upon receipt of the returned Product together with a statement of withdrawal from the contract, the Store will check it thoroughly. If the Product meets the requirements specified in Section 3 above, the Buyer will be reimbursed within 5 working days the same way the payment was made, or to the bank account specified by the Buyer in the withdrawal statement. The decision on the reimbursement method is on Soferia side.
  7. There is no return possibility of fabric purchased by the meter.
  8. When returning the order the Buyer is responsible for any customs or taxes linked with importing the item back in the EU. This should be marked by the Buyer with the shipping company. Any requests from shipping companies to cover taxes, customs, etc are autmatically rejected by Soferia.

§ 8 Complaint procedure

  1. Soferia products have a 2 year warranty.
  2. In case the Product received by the Buyer does not match the Order, the Buyer should send a message to contact@soferia.com including photos, stating the differences versus the Order and expectations on how the complaint should be handled by the Seller.
  3. The Buyer loses the right of complaint if he does not inform Soferia about this fact within 2 months since the date it was noticed.
  4. The letter of complaint should be sent to Soferia before this deadline.
  5. Complaints will be handled immediately, not later than 14 days since their receipt by the Store.
  6. Should the data given in the letter of complaint be insufficient to process the complaint, Soferia will contact the Buyer to complete the missing information. The time to process the complaint will be calculated starting from the date of reception of the missing information from the Buyer.
  7. Once the complaint is accepted, Soferia will pick up the Products on its cost and Products will be corrected or exchanged to new, full value ones.
  8. In the event that a repair or full value replacement is impossible, Soferia will reimburse the Buyer for the equivalent price or, having the consent of the Buyer, will offer a different Product available at the Store instead.
  9. Replacement Products are shipped to the Buyer at the expense of Soferia.
  10. Complaints obtained by Soferia after 2 years since the Order delivery, will not be accepted.
  11. If the Buyer wants to return the Products instead of having them repaired/replaced then the returns procedure applies described in §7 of Terms & Conditions (Termination of the contract) and the return cost is on Buyers side.
  12. If the product will turn out to be as described in the offer and according to order then the complaint will not be considered. On customers request the item will be sent back at Buyers cost 20 USD.

§ 9 Privacy policy, protection of personal data and of use of Trademarks

  1. The Personal Data Administrator is Piotr Gruszczyński with registered seat at ul. Ciechocinskiej 22; 02-924 Warsaw.
  2. The Administrator processes the personal data of Customers subject to their voluntary, explicit and informed consent. The Customer acknowledges that refusal to provide personal data or revocation of consent granted prevents the conclusion and performance of the purchase contract in the online Store. The provision of correct personal data is, therefore, a prerequisite for conclusion of the contract.
  3.  The Administrator shall make every effort to ensure all means of physical, technical and organizational protection of personal data against accidental or intentional destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, use or access, in compliance with all applicable laws, in particular, Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the EU Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ EU L 119, s. 1) and the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services and the Act of 16 July 2004 on Telecommunications Law.
  4.  The Customer has the right to access its personal data, request its rectification, update or delete, request restriction of its processing, object to its processing and transfer, as well as lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority.
  5. Where the Administrator has reasonable doubts as to the identity of the natural person submitting the request referred to in pt. 4, it may request additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the data subject.
  6. The Customer may exercise the above rights in relation to the Data Administrator via e-mail to the following address: contact@soferia.com 
  7. The Administrator shall respond to the Customer’s request without undue delay, however, no later than within 1 month. 
  8. The Administrator informs that it entrusts personal data in compliance with all safety requirements to external entities processing personal data, in particular, payment operators and companies providing professional hosting services. 

§ 10 Final provisions

  1. These Terms and conditions shall enter into force on 25.05.2018 and their provisions shall apply to all Orders placed after this date.
  2. SOFERIA reserves the right to make changes to these regulations, provided that the agreements concluded before the amendment of the regulations are bound by the version of the Terms and Conditions in force at the time of the Order placement by the Buyer.
  3. In the event of intended change or the introduction of new regulations, SOFERIA will announce it by posting relevant information on the www.soferia.com website. 
    In case of matters not regulated by these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the following should be applied: Polish Civil Code, the Law on Copyright and Related Rights Act on the protection of consumer rights and liability for damage caused by dangerous products and the Law on electronic services.
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